quarta-feira, julho 20, 2005


The old dark days have passed
Nothing more than a bitter sweet memory
And an hidden feeling I'll carry to the grave
The gray, sometimes blue, reality came slowly

It was I who pierced the veil
Demanding my own destiny
The shy spider web kept on growing
Looking back I could not see

Why do I miss you, always tormenting me
If all the joy you replaced by grief
I’m whole now and yet so empty
The bottom only you could fulfill

No, oh no, I won’t let you
You come embracing my sleep
Destroying and doubting all my deeds
I’ll make you go again, my evil do

Leave me be with my half happiness
I don’t need you, I don’t… just go!


Blogger Mármore said...

Gostei deste!

12:34 da manhã  

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